Dual Energy

Dual energy: The right energy, at the right time and in the right place.

More comfort and savings, less impact on the environment!

What is dual energy?

A dual fuel heating system uses two energy sources: electricity and natural gas. This heating system uses electricity as the primary energy source and natural gas as a backup.

If you need to replace your current heating system or upgrade certain components, dual energy is an effective solution. Your electricity bill could be lower (see Hydro-Quebec’s conditions) resulting in overall savings on your energy bill as well as your carbon footprint.

  • Subsidies are available from Energir, Hydro-Quebec and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, which allows for substantial savings when purchasing and installing dual energy appliances.
  • Switching to dual energy provides all the energy needed to heat a home at the most competitive cost possible, especially in the summer, as some customers may also be able to save on electricity consumption from appliances that operate primarily in the summer, such as air conditioners or an electric pool heater.

Contact us for a quote and to find out what services we can offer you in this transition that is good for the planet and your budget!

For more information:

Hydro-Québec : https://www.hydroquebec.com/residential/energy-wise/windows-heating-air-conditioning/dual-energy-offer/

Énergir : https://www.energir.com/en/residential/dual-energy/customers/

Contact us

    We strongly recommend that you provide your full address and photos to support your request, which will help us process it more quickly.